I'm on the plane!
Hi everyone :)
This post will be quite short because plane will take off soon.
Right now I am still in Washington, 40 degrees longitude and 75 degrees latitude, and I am north of the equator. There is quite many diferences between US and Sweden, for example the population. Here in US, there is a population of 314159265 citizens, while in Sweden, it is only about 954000 citizens. Also, US has an area of 9529000 square, and Sweden has 449964.
The city I am going to is named Albuquerque, and lies in the state New Mexico. New Mexico lies 103°W till 109°W longitud and 31°20'N till 37°N latitud. It is the fifth largest state of the surface, and got a population of 1 954 599 residents.
I am so excited to arrive in Albuquerque, and I have high expectations. Have a good night!
The trip has begin!
Hi guys! I have landed here on Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport for about an hour ago, and now I am sitting on a coozy chair in a cafe called Starbucks. My next flight will take me to my final destination, Albuqurque in New Mexio, in two hours. The weather here is quite similar with home, but it is a bit warmer and not that much snow.
It is teeming with people, and everything feels overwhelming. Right now, I barely miss my family and home at all, I am just excited about the whole trip and can not wait for the next plane.
I am going to continue my coffee now, but I will write later on the plane.
See you soon guys, bye!